COVID-19 and its Long term Implications: A Literature Review


  • Dr. Yumnah Babar


Novel Corona Virus, Prevention, Detection


In the year 2019, early December, Hubei Province, Wuhan city of China was hit by a disease causing virus, later named as corona virus. The COVID-19 spread instantly causing a severe respiratory disease, which also proved to be fatal. The medical name of the virus was declared as SARS-CoV-2, which was later declared as a health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO). The year 2020 was hit the hardest with the disease, where it was declared as a global pandemic by WHO. More than 40,000 laboratory cases were confirmed as on 14th February, 2020, with more than 1500 deaths confirmed at the global level. Various Governments were forced to close their borders and also to implement numerous measures of control like wearing masks at public places and work from home for offices. The endeavor of this article is to understand the spread of this disease in the year 2020 through publically available literature in order to understand the pandemic and assess its long term implications. This literature review examines the causal agent, pathogenesis and immunological responses, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and management of the disease, as well as control and preventative efforts.


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How to Cite

Dr. Yumnah Babar. (2023). COVID-19 and its Long term Implications: A Literature Review. BUITEMS JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES, 2(2). Retrieved from


